The Unrequited Love Poem

I forgot to ask something in my last post. If you have any feedback, please leave a comment below the stories! Anything is useful. I’d love to hear what you think.

This week I took a picture about The Unrequited Love Poem. It was the second topic on the creative writing prompts list I’m following. I decided to go out of my comfort zone and write an emotional romance story.


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Outside the Window

Ah, the first of my creative writings. Number one on the list I follow is Outside the Window. I started with the following picture. Why? Because I googled for it on the 16th of July and it was picture 16 that I found. Nothing more to it. Anyway, here’s the story.


It was a beautiful spring morning. I was looking outside when I heard a yell come from the back door. At first I didn’t want to go and look. Not after the sounds I had heard the previous night. The yelling persisted, so I dragged myself out of the bed and went downstairs.

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